Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Support and Encouragement Beyond Words

     Thanks to so many of you who have prayed for me and supported me as I go through this process. I have the best family and friends ever. Your support and encouragement is immeasurable.
     It has been just over three months since I last added a blog entry.  Last week, I went to UNC for kidney tests and my doctor's appointment. For many years, I have gone on the Monday before the doctor's appointment that Thursday for lab tests so that we know the results when I see Dr. Falk. Well, somehow, the lab lost the blood samples and had no record of it ever existing.  Needless to say I was very frustrated and disappointed, but the only option was to do the tests again. Thankfully UNC has an online chart and I received the results on Saturday. My kidney function remains stable at 20%.   With my kidney function remaining stable at this time, I am very fortunate to not need dialysis yet or need transplant surgery immediately without someone approved as a donor.  I continue to not feel well or have much energy, but thankful that my condition is not worse.
      Last week, while being examined by the doctor, I mentioned that my blood pressure readings had been very high. I have been on blood pressure medication since experiencing renal failure in 1988. The doctor decided to switch one of the medications I take for a new prescription.  Unfortunately, my blood pressure has remained very high which adds to me not feeling well and my lack of energy.  After contacting the doctor yesterday, he doubled the new medication and told me to go on bed rest. I am taking off three days this week with faith that the increase in medication and rest will help.  The support of my co-workers this week is beyond words, and I thank them so much.
     In January, a friend and I will go to UNC for testing to confirm she is a healthy transplant donor. Last month, compatibility blood tests were completed and the results confirmed that she is a compatible donor.  This was such exciting news, and she is as thrilled as I am.  My goal is to have a donor in place before needing dialysis and a transplant.  Please pray for my friend and I as she goes through this process. The emotions of this process can be very overwhelming.  
   I had a wonderful opportunity this weekend at church to meet Aaron Wilburn, a Christian comedian. Aaron had a kidney transplant in 2010. It was awesome to relate with someone who knows exactly how I feel. While talking with him, it was like having a conversation with myself. His encouragement for the future meant a lot and as I patiently wait, I know better days are ahead.
     I greatly appreciate all the amazing things you have done for me in 2014.  Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Blessed 2015.  

Thursday, September 11, 2014

High= More of This and More of That

      It has been quite a while since I have posted a update. There is no way to thank everyone who has prayed for me and expressed kind words of support.  It means more than you will ever know.
      Today I went to see Dr. Falk, my nephrologist at UNC.  My kidney function is currently 20%.   The major concern at today's visit was my blood pressure.  Since last November, I have been taking blood pressure medicine three times a day, but yet it has been fairly high.  About a month ago, I began experiencing a "heavy" feeling in the top of my head.  I checked my blood pressure at that time, and it was EXTREMELY high.  Each day since then, I have experienced the same sensation. Showing Dr. Falk a log of readings was very helpful, because he was able to see what I have been experiencing.  I will continue to take blood pressure medication three times a day, but the dosage of Lasix has been doubled as well as another blood pressure medication dosage increased.. Being on 160 mg. of Lasix during the day actually scares me.  I am  afraid I may need to put a port-a-potty in the corner of my classroom! He also told me the symptom of dry mouth will increase quite a bit.  I literally drink all day long now because of dry mouth.  If there is not an improvement in the next two weeks, I have to let him know. Please pray medication changes are successful in controlling my blood pressure.  
      He talked with me about the importance of finding a donor so  I don't have to go on dialysis and wait 5 years for a deceased donor when the time comes for a transplant.  Very shocking information he shared was that many patients on the transplant list have at least seven potential donors tested before finding a match.  I am thankful to have a potential donor who should be tested in the next few weeks. If by chance you are considering becoming a donor, please call and talk with Amy Woodard, Living Donor Coordinator at 919-966-3079. Thank you. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Excessive = Not Enough

      I am truly enjoying summer break.  It has been great to rest and attempt to organize some of the chaos in my home that I have neglected.  Still have a lot more to do, but I believe in the philosophy of something is better than nothing
      Last week I went for an appointment at the Nephrology Clinic with Dr. Falk.  I have been seeing him multiple times a year since 1988 and it was one of the most frustrating appointments I have ever experienced.  To make a long story short, someone ordered the lab reports for Dr. Falk and did not order the correct tests.  The results of the tests correctly ordered were very extreme  and Dr. Falk was convinced the results were incorrect.  I basically left the appointment not knowing anything and frustrated.  Dr. Falk ordered more tests and I now have results. 
      Thankfully this week I received a phone call explaining test results.  Due to the damage in my kidneys, my urine spills protein.  This has been occurring since I had renal failure in 1988. The amount of protein has increased quite a bit, and is the highest it has been in the last 25 years.  Because the urine is "spilling" so much protein, the albumin and protein in my blood is low.  It was explained to me that the protein in my blood is so low that it would appear that I am someone who is malnourished.   (You can certainly look at me and tell I am far from malnourished)!  Low protein in my blood is due to excessive protein in the urine.  At this time, I just need to make sure I am eating healthy and taking good care of myself.
      Despite excessive protein = not enough protein, my kidney function is stable.   I will see Dr. Falk again September 11.  I appreciate the support of wonderful friends and family for your love, concern and prayers for me.  The journey for a kidney transplant has been interesting to say the least and Dr. Falk says it will occur, just delayed as long as my kidney function is stable.  I know God's timing is always perfect.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Rest, Tests and Blessings

     Summer is my favorite season and even though it is hot outside, I love this time of year.  School dismissed just over 2 weeks ago and I am extremely thankful for some time to rest and reduce the amount of stress in my life. 
     Next Monday, I prepare for kidney function tests. Tuesday I will have the tests completed, see Dr. Falk on the afternoon of July 10 and receive test results at the appointment.  When I saw him May 1, my kidney function was stable from February at 22%.  22% was a major increase from 15% in December.  As I have mentioned before, I have difficulty with remaining tired, dry mouth and a consistent metal taste in my mouth.  It would not hurt my feelings one bit next week if Dr. Falk told me I needed a transplant the next day.  Actually now that I say that, I don't really  mean the next day. In all seriousness, I know God has perfect timing for when the transplant will occur.  
      Angela Oldham is the top person on the potential donor list and should be tested in August.  I will have to begin dialysis if I don't have a donor at the time I need a transplant.  If a donor is in place, long term dialysis will not be necessary.  Please pray that Angela or others who are potential donors will be a match for a transplant. 
      I received wonderful news today in the mail from HelpHOPELive.  HelpHOPELive is the non-profit organization which holds the funds we have raised for transplant expenses.  $1,000 has been deposited into my account from the organization.  This is the SECOND $1,000 grant  I have received from HelpHOPELive!  The grant is issued for each $10,000 we raise. We have raised just over $28,000 from fundraising events and gifts from individuals. At the current time, we do not have any fundraising events scheduled, but greatly appreciate everyone who has contributed in numerous ways thus far.  You may view my page keying in  www.HelpHOPELive.org, click on find a patient, key in my first and last name and then click on kidney for type of transplant. You should then be on my page.  Please take time to read the appeal letter from Ronnie. 
    Much thanks to so many who have prayed for me as I go through this journey.  I tremendously appreciate the support of many friends, family members and strangers.  May God continue to Bless Each of You!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14

       Today has been a phenomenal day with a fundraising event at "You Define Art."   One year ago,  June 14 was vastly different.  I went to UNC for the first kidney biopsy since experiencing renal failure in 1988.  My kidney function had been decreasing and lab values were concerning to Dr. Falk, my nephrologist. Dr. Falk wanted me to go in for a biopsy as soon as I finished the school year. I was rather anxious about having a kidney biopsy because in 1988, there were complications and I received 4 units of blood. (Back in the day before there were many restrictions about donating blood because of AIDS).   I remember on top of being very ill from renal failure,  losing blood and receiving transfusions was another challenge to overcome.  I had been told the schedule of events for the day and to expect to remain at the hospital for 10-15 hours.  Ronnie and I  arrived around 7:30 am and expected to go home around 6 pm at the earliest.  After checking in, I went to the lab for blood work.  Next was an ultrasound of my kidneys at the radiology department..  Of course, lots of waiting in the lobby in between tests.  When it was time to go to the "holding room" before the biopsy, Dr. Nachman, a nephrologist asked me to sit down and talk with him. That should have been my first sign that something was wrong.  Dr. Nachman stated that the ultrasound revealed that both kidneys had deteriorated to the point that there was any tissue to obtain for a biopsy.  I remember sitting in disbelief of the words he was telling me.  Not having a biopsy ever even crossed my mind.  He attempted to contact Dr. Falk, but little did we know that he was having emergency heart surgery. 
      A lot has happened since June 14, 2013.  I began the journey for transplant last fall and greatly appreciate the prayers and support of countless individuals.  There is no way I could get by without the support of each of you.  My next appointment at UNC with Dr. Falk is July 10 and I will go in for tests a few days before that.  Thankfully, I am on summer break and look forward to getting some rest.
       Several months ago, Ashley coordinated a fundraising event at "You Define Art" in Smithfield.  46 others joined me today by painting decorative items.  Today, June 14, 2014 has been such a wonderful day and we had a blast painting!  Thanks to everyone who came and those who ordered items to be painted.  I have included a few pictures from today.

My Daughter Ashley and Daughter-In-Law Kelsey

Friends: Daryl and Gina

Monday, May 26, 2014

24: Young and Niave

      It has been a while since I last posted a blog.   I am encouraged by many who share with me that they enjoy reading my posts and keeping up with my kidney transplant journey.  Today's post includes the words of three individuals very close to me and were by side when I had renal failure in 1988.  Ashley made this suggestion to me and I am very happy they assisted me with writing today's blog.  Once again, I am humbled by the kindness and words of others.
      As you  know, I had renal failure after Ashley's birth.  The pregnancy was uneventful.   ( I always think about her and Justin being unplanned pregnancies and shake my head.  In May, 1987 I was diagnosed with endometriosis and Dr. Lies told me it would take at least two years for me to get pregnant.  Ronnie and I had not even been married a year.  Needless to say we were excited, but not what we planned, but we knew it was in God's plans).  My health was great and I was in great shape.  I even worked outside doing yard work on her due date. 
     After a difficult labor experience, she was born nine days late.  Somehow holding my healthy baby girl, made the labor insignificant.  Two mornings later, I woke up not feeling well with a low grade fever.  After telling the nurses I was sure I would be fine, Ashley and I were discharged from the hospital.  Within hours, I was very ill and remained in the bed for most of the following week.  My mother took me to the doctor that week and I prescribed an antibiotic and told to take Tylenol.  After being ill for a week, I remember Ronnie telling me he was taking me to the hospital because he was afraid I was going to soon die in our home.  I was admitted to the hospital in Goldsboro, the town we lived in at that time.  A hospital bassinet was provided for Ashley and she stayed in the room with me for a few days.  Within a couple of days, I began swelling over my entire body.  I gained 40 plus pounds of fluid in less than a week. At this point, I was unable to function at all.  My face was so swollen that I could only see the silhouettes of family members.  Sometime in the midst of all of this occuring, I was misdiagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (even though the tests were negative). After  being in the hospital in Goldsboro for almost a week, the doctors determined I was experiencing renal failure. I was transferred to UNC-Chapel Hill.  Immediately every medical specialty area began examining me. Within a day or so, a kidney biopsy was performed and I was diagnosed with two kidney diseases; Minimal Change Disease and Acute Tubular Necrosis. Even though I was conscious, I remember being so ill and not truly realizing all that was occurring. 
      At that time, Ronnie and I lived in the western part of Wayne County in the Rosewood Community, and he worked for Winn-Dixie in Kinston. Chapel Hill was not convenient to either town, and Interstate 40 was not completed at that time. I can not imagine what all Ronnie went through during those days with a wife dying in Chapel Hill and a newborn. 
     I am forever grateful for Dr. Ronald Falk being assigned as my physician.  He is a such a wonderful doctor and I have been blessed to be under his care ever since.  After receiving mega doses of Prednisone, Lasix, and receiving dialysis, I finally urinated after almost 3 weeks.  It looked more like motor oil, but it was urine. After being hospitalized for several weeks, I was discharged from the hospital 60 pounds lighter than when admitted.  My kidney function improved drastically and I began to think that I would fine forever.  Being young and naïve,  I never realized that living with renal disease was a life time commitment with future consequences due to the damage both kidneys sustained.  As Dr. Falk told me in July of last year, I  had been given  25 good years up to this point and very fortunate. 
       I thank God for all those who have prayed for me over the past 26 years and supported my family in various ways.  Please read these words from three special people in my life.  Janet Owle and Joan Howell are my sisters, and Sue Floars took care of Ashley while I was in the hospital and even for a short while after I came home. 
      Words from my oldest sister, Janet Owle 
      "When Myra became pregnant with her first child, it was an exciting time for our family!  My sister, Joan, had one son who was 17 years old, and I had one daughter who was 14 years old! A baby in the family was exciting news! After Ashley was born my husband, daughter, and I made the trip from our home in Chesapeake, VA to meet our newest family member!  Ashley was a beautiful healthy little girl! Excitement filled our family.
     Little did we know that our joy would be interrupted by unimaginable crisis! We returned home to VA, when a couple of days later we received a call that Myra had returned to the hospital because of headaches and some swelling.  Nothing too serious at that time; however things took a turn for the worse and Joan called me at school and said to come home to NC immediately! Myra had gained an excess of forty pounds of fluids!  When I walked into the room and saw our baby sister so sick, I just knew that her time with us was limited!  Thankfully God's plan was different.  Ronnie, her husband decided to have her transferred from our small hometown hospital to Chapel Hill at UNC Hospital. Within a short time Dr. Falk, and his staff had her stabilized, and after spending about six weeks in the hospital she was able to return home and spend time with her sweet baby.
     In the meantime you are probably wondering what was going on with Ashley. A family friend of Ronnie's family took care of her while Myra was hospitalized. The Floars Family were Angels send by God to love and care for Ashley.  My mother and sister spent days and nights at the hospital to help Ronnie through this difficult time. Whenever possible, I would come on weekends to help relieve the family.
     Acute kidney failure is what I remember hearing, and thinking what does this mean? Now, that I have seen my sister live with renal disease over the past twenty-six years, I understand.  She has endured the countless urine collections and trips to UNC for check ups, as well as the side effects of her disease. Through it all she has raised great kids, been a teacher of special needs children, and been a wonderful wife to Ronnie!  She is one of the first to meet the needs of her friends whoever they are in need, because of illness or whatever may be going on in their lives.  It is no surprise that her friends and colleagues have rallied around her with such support as she awaits her transplant and the next chapter of her journey!"
      From my sister, Joan Howell

      "Twenty Six years ago this month, my family and I were blessed with a new baby girl in our family born to Ronnie and Myra Jones, my sister and brother-in-law.  We were so excited and then Myra started having problems shortly afterwards.  She had to return to Wayne Memorial a week or so after Ashley was born.  I remember going to the hospital and she was retaining so much fluid, she looked distorted.  The doctor kept saying we are trying this and when that didn’t work, he’d try something else.  She gained about 40 lbs in less than a week.  I was really scared.  Finally after many discussions, she was moved to Chapel Hill hospital.  I was living and working in Raleigh at that time.  Every morning I would go to the hospital in Chapel Hill before going to work to check on Myra.  One morning while I was there, Dr. Falk told me he needed to talk to me.    He said he wasn’t sure if Myra was going to live, but that he was going to do all he could to help her and he did.   It was a very scary time for all of us.  After a long recovery time, she was able to go home to her baby and husband, Ronnie.   Myra has made many trips to that same doctor at Chapel Hill for the last 26 years and even  though her kidney function has not been normal, it has been enough to get by until last year.
Please be in prayer with me that God’s Will  be done in her life.  Also, that healing will be done through a kidney transplant for my sister that I love very much.
     From Sue Floars, family friend:
"God Gave Me Ashley
         Ronnie’s mom and I were classmates at Goldsboro High School. We had three sons each, the same ages, and we shared lots of other things at church and in school. We both dreamed of having a little girl.
         It was heartbreaking when Shirley was stricken with cancer. She fought hard for a while, during which time we drew much closer. I helped any way I could, and had been there at the hospital the night before her home going to Heaven. It was a very hard time for them all- Myra had just lost her dad three days earlier. I remember telling the boys that night that I could never take their mom’s place, nor would I try; but I would always be there for them all.
        About three years later, Ashley was born May 5, 1988. Just a few days later  I received word Myra was being rushed to UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill and Ronnie needed help. I went to her mother’s house and there Ronnie gave me Ashley to care for. I was keeping my two-year-old granddaughter at the time, so I had a nursery set up with all she would need.  I was very concerned for Myra’s health, but thrilled to be entrusted with sweet baby Ashley.
        My granddaughter, Laura Lea, thought that we had gotten her a baby! Ashley was beautiful with her big brown eyes, dark hair, and dark complexion. She stole my heart and by the end of the first day the whole family was in love with her. For the next five or six weeks, she was “our baby”. We enjoyed her so much. Jackie, my husband would wake her up every morning before going to work to love on her and play with her.
        Ronnie was staying with Myra as much as possible, but he would come to my house or call to check on Ashley every day. When he would come by, Laura Lea would stand in front of him with her little arms out to the sides and say, “my baby!” She didn’t want him to take her. Ronnie and I grew very close during this time- we would cry, laugh, and pray together.  We shared so many special times. He really opened his heart to me and the Lord.
        As I look back, I am amazed at how something as bad as kidney failure could bring out such joy and love. God had Myra’s sickness 26 years ago just like He has it today.
        Thank You, God, for giving me a small part in Your plan; and thank You for giving me more family. Ronnie, Myra, Ashley, and Justin are all a part of my family. They have brought much joy and happiness to my life!"
       Thanks to Janet, Joan and Sue for sharing.  I am forever grateful to them, Ronnie, and my mother.  Due to God's plans for my life, I survived an incredible illness.   
      At the present time, my kidney function is stable at 22%.  I have been placed on the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) list and hoping to have potential donors tested soon to determine if they will be a match for transplant.  With my kidney function 22%, the doctor states I continue to need a transplant, but it will be delayed.  In December, my kidney function was 15% and Dr. Falk was very alarmed.  22% is a large increase from 15%.  Please continue to pray for me as I go through this journey.  I have issues with high blood pressure, extreme dry mouth, strong metal taste in my mouth, swelling when I awake in the mornings but especially lack of energy.  Summer break is coming soon and I can't wait! 
      Fundraising has been extremely successful and there is no way to thank each contributing person and organization enough.  May God Continue to Bless Each of You Who Has Blessed Me! 



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Generous.... Gracious.... Giving

     WOW!!!  The last couple of weeks have been incredible. I have been blessed by the most generous, gracious and giving friends a  person could ever dream of having.  There are also many strangers who can be described the same.  It has been several weeks since I posted a blog update, so I am behind with sharing information.  About a month ago, I signed up with HelpHOPELive, which is a nonprofit organization that will manage all funds collected through fundraising. Future and past fundraising events include the "Urine My Heart" Golf Tournament, 31 Parties, Premier Jewelry Party, Avon, Oragami Owl, You Design Art and selling kidney pins. Also, I have completed all pre-transplant medical tests and doctor's appointments. This journey is not always easy, but the support of family and friends is beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
     Many people have been very generous with supporting fundraising events or making donations. As I mentioned, HelpHOPELIVE will manage my funds.  HelpHOPELive is an organization outside of Philadelphia and provides fantastic support.  I am assigned a Patient Services Coordinator.  Her name is Amy and she is awesome.  HelpHOPELive assists of course with managing the funds and awards a $1000 grant for the first $10,000 raised and again when $20,000 has been raised.  Amy assists by producing flyers for events, providing ideas for fundraising and answering any questions I might have for her.  HelpHOPELive also provides a patient page.  To see my page, go to www.HelpHOPELive.org, click on find a patient, key in my first and last name and then click on kidney for type of transplant. You should then be on my page.  Please take time to read the appeal letter from Ronnie.  Also, some people have asked how they can make a personal donation.  HelpHOPELive actually receives personal donations on my behalf.  You can mail a check to them or make an online payment.  Their address is on the website.   Donations can also be sent to me with checks made payable to HelpHOPELive. Currently I send funds weekly.  I can not thank everyone enough who has helped to make our fundraising events very successful.
     We are very busy with fundraising events.  I am amazed at how people have responded to the many events we have had thus far.  As I have included in previous blog posts, my co-worker, Tiffany Barber signed up to be a 31 Gifts Consultant in order to fundraise for me.  We have had phenomenal parties and Tiffany has raised $1,175.00!  This is an incredible amount in just 5 parties!  She is a great sales representative and sales have been fantastic.  Thanks to everyone who has hosted a party or made a purchase.  Earlier this month we had a party in Goldsboro, hosted by my sisters Janet Owle and Joan Howell.  Over 50 people attended the party and bought over $2,200 of 31 products.  It was great to see many, many friends who I had not seen in years and make new friends as well.  Four more 31 parties are currently being hosted by Janet Groberski, Glenda Bowen, Kimberly Barefoot, and Tricia Allen through April 13. All parties are online through Facebook.  If you would like to make a purchase, please let me know and I will assist you with contacting a hostess. ( An interesting side-bar is that two of the hostesses are special friends I met through the death of my niece Christy Murray.  Christy died unexpectedly on Valentines Day, 2012 at the age of 37.   Thanks so much to Kimberly Lee Barefoot of South Carolina and Tricia Allen of Raleigh for hosting parties.  I know Christy would be so pleased with the friendships I have developed).  Tiffany vows to continue to fundraise until I have the transplant.  Please consider having a party.  Online parties are super easy and a great way to get awesome products (for free or at an discount) as well assist my donor and me with out of pocket expenses for the transplant.
     On May 2, we will have the "Urine My Heart" Golf Tournament at Lane Tree Country Club in Goldsboro.  We are looking forward to a very successful day.  Many friends are sponsoring holes for $50 or $100, which we greatly appreciate.  I have some of the most generous, giving friends in the world.  Even people we do not know have sponsored holes due to Ronnie's business connections.  Ronnie has many contacts including ARMAC who will be providing signs for the tournament.  If you are interested in sponsoring a hole, please send your sponsorship to Ronnie and me by April 15.  We will be giving ARMAC names for signs at that time.  Also, we would like to for all golf teams to pay in advance if at all possible.  Due to a phenomenal response for golfers wanting to participate in the tournament,  we have had to tell some people that we met the maximum amount of golfers for the day.  If by chance you told us you were going to put in a team, but due to circumstance you are not, please let us know so that we can contact those who wanted to participate as well.  There are many companies providing items for the silent auction and we would love to have more if you would like to donate. Ronnie and I are very excited about the items being donated.  I think those attending the golf tournament will be very interested in making bids at the tournament.  Many friends are volunteering their time at the golf tournament.  We would like to provide a t-shirt for volunteers to wear at the tournament.  If you have not received a message from my daughter Ashley about your size, please contact me by Friday evening with information about what size t-shirt you wear.  If you need a form for hole sponsorship, volunteering or a golf team please email me at Carolinakidney@gmail.com.
     Thanks to Kathryn West, a friend from church and sales consultant for Premier Jewelry who donated $175 from her commission after a party on March 8.  Once again, my friends amaze me. I greatly appreciate everyone who made purchases from the party and helped it to be a success.  Teresa Washak is having an online party until April 8 if anyone is interested in buying Premier Jewelry.  Kathryn will donate a portion of the commission from this party as well. Also, please let Kathryn know if you are interested in hosting a party in your home or online.  Once again, super easy and a great way to fundraise and earn gorgeous jewelry for yourself.
     Kathy Coor, a friend in Goldsboro that I have known for many years sells Avon.  She also decided to fundraise for me and donated all of her commission from two campaigns.   $250 is being sent to the account at  HelpHOPELive.  You just can not imagine the number of times I have cried due to the generosity of friends.
     Another co-worker, Theresa Howard is hosting an online Origami Owl Jewelry fundraising party.  Theresa's mother, Janet Salatino lives in Florida and is a sales consultant for Orgami Owl.  Janet is donating a portion of the commission from the party as well.  This party lasts until April 12.  You can shop online at www.janetsalatino.origamiowl.com/parties/TheresaHoward265285/collections.ashx.   God has placed so many awesome people in my life and I greatly appreciate Theresa and Janet.
    No doubt fundraising efforts have been very successful and beyond anything I ever imagined.  So many people have diligently worked hard to help the donor and myself.
     As of March 17, I completed all pre-transplant appointments.  Unfortunately, I continue to wait to hear from UNC about being placed on the transplant list.  I am trying to be patient, but it is SO DIFFICULT.  Once placed on the transplant list at UNC, I am also placed on the National Registry known as UNOS (United Network of Organ Sharing).  The average wait for an kidney transplant in North Carolina is 5 years. Fortunately when placed on the transplant list,  we can begin the process of choosing a living donor.  A living donor also has to go through countless tests and appointments as I have for the past  5 months.  It is important to have a living donor in place, so when the time arrives that I need a transplant, we will be ready.  Many people contacted UNC about being a donor.  To say I am overwhelmed by your selflessness is an understatement.  Several people were unable to proceed beyond the initial interview due to health conditions.  On the other hand, there are some individuals who met criteria and one will be selected to be my living donor.  When I think about it..... it is amazing to think that anyone would be so generous... gracious.... and giving.
       I am ready to travel in the next phase of this journey and greatly appreciate your prayers. Thanks so much for your support.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Better Than I Ever Imagined

       I would just like to say thank you so, so much to everyone who has prayed for me as I go through this journey.  Prayers have been answered!  Today I went to see Dr. Falk for a follow-up appointment.  I always go to the lab on Monday before appointments with him on Thursday so he will know the results of kidney function tests.   Of course I was very anxious about seeing him today since my kidney function had gone down to 15% in December.  I am happy to share my kidney function was up to 22% (which is what it was in October)!   Dr. Falk was very pleased and contributes the improvement to weight loss.  Since July 18, I have lost 32.4 pounds.  When you are a woman, every tenth counts!  23 more pounds to shed in order to meet goal weight.  Thankfully the percentage of kidney function increased by 7 and did not decrease by 7.  He said once my kidney function is around 10%, I will begin dialysis. Thanks to everyone who has prayed about my kidney function, because 22% kidney function buys me more time before beginning dialysis or having a transplant.  The news I received today was better than I ever imagined.  Dr. Falk did share that going through End-Stage Renal Failure is not easy and that I was going to have to endure symptoms I deal with each day.  Some of the symptoms include feeling exhausted, metallic taste in my mouth (tastes like I have been sucking a mouth full of nickels) and excessive dry mouth.  Please pray these symptoms improve.
    Many people have contributed to fundraising events being held.  I just never dreamed how well friends and even strangers would respond. Your generosity is more than I ever imagined.   Thanks.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Plans to Give You Hope and a Future, Jeremiah 29:11

     It has been brought to my attention by a few friends that I have not posted a blog lately.  I have lots of great news to share today.
     Last Sunday at church, I looked down at the pew in front of me and a friend had Jeremiah 29:11 imprinted on his Bible cover.   Jeremiah 29:11 states, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."   I can really tell the effects of End Stage Renal Failure are wearing on my body and those words give me great encouragement.
     I want to thank everyone who has contacted Amy Woodard, Living Donor Coordinator at UNC.   You are each my hero!  I have been praying for a living donor and  ask everyone to do the same. The average wait in North Carolina for a kidney from a deceased donor is 5 years. If you have considered being a living donor, please call UNC at (919) 966-3079.
     I am home today preparing for kidney function tests for tomorrow at UNC.  Thursday afternoon I will see Dr. Falk at the nephrology clinic and  he will share the results from Monday's tests.  I also ask you to pray that my kidney function remains around 15% or higher.  And then Friday, I will receive three immunization shots.  The immunizations are important to receive now, since I will be on medication after the transplant that greatly suppresses the immune system.  One of the immunizations is the shingles shot.  I had to obtain special permission from the insurance company to receive it.  Wonder why you normally have to be 60 to receive the injection?  I had the shingles in 2011 and it was a HORRIBLE experience!  One thing for certain, the pre-transplant process is more involved than I ever imagined.
     A lot of time during last two weeks has been devoted to fundraising.  For some reason, fundraising has made this journey seem very surreal.  Current fundraising endeavors include 31 Gift parties,  a Premier Jewelry party, selling "Urine My Hear"t kidney pins and a golf tournament.  I can not even begin to share with you how generous people have been without tearing up. 
     As I mentioned in previous blogs, my friend and fellow teacher, Tiffany Barber is selling 31 Gifts as a means to fundraise for me.  From the first party, she donated all of the commission from sales to my fund.  As a result of the sales at the first party, we were able to order these bags to auction at other events. 

There are 3 parties being held this month and another in March with Tiffany donating 50% of the commission for fundraising.   My next door neighbor, a co-worker and her mother, another co-worker and my sisters have booked parties with Tiffany to assist with fundraising.   I have phenomenal friends and family. Tiffany has vowed to fundraise selling 31 Gifts until I have the transplant. Can not even begin to thank her enough! 
      Kathryn West, with whom I attend church sells Premiere Jewelry.  We have a party scheduled for 7:00 pm on March 3 at my home and she will be donating a portion of the commission for fundraising.  Please join us for a fun party.
     Last month, a co-worker purchased "Urine My Heart" kidney pins for fundraising.  She ordered 50 and the pins sold within a few days.  Recently, I was humbled while sitting in a teacher's meeting and seeing many staff members wearing a kidney pin to honor the transplant.  I ordered 150 more with about  30 not pre-sold.  If you would like to order any, please email me at carolinakidney@gmail.com.  
    Back in the fall, an executive for one of the convenient store chains that Ronnie works with suggested a golf tournament for fundraising.   Ronnie has many contacts in the retail market and it has been incredible to witness various companies and individuals respond.  The amount of support has been extraordinary.  Also, I sent letters to business owners we know and quickly received responses as well.  And, of course we have shared information through Facebook.  Many friends who I have not seen for several years are coming to support the golf tournament that day.  Much thanks to those who are helping to make the golf tournament a successful fundraising event.  For the golf tournament, our needs include hole sponsorships, golf teams, items for silent auction/ raffle, food for the tournament, items for goodie bags and volunteers. It will be held May 2 at Lane Tree Country Club. Please email me if you would like any information. 
     I mentioned above that fundraising has made this journey seem surreal.  As I went to the Transplant Clinic at UNC in January, the reality of the transplant began to sink in, but seeing my picture on the flyer Ronnie created for the golf tournament has really helped me realize this is a truly happening.  With the many appointments I have endured, one would assume I was already in the mindset, but ..... the flyer did it! 
     As you know, I teach elementary students. Several days ago, I shared with students that I will be having a transplant.  The students were very receptive of the news and asked very relevant questions.  Some  even shared what they knew about transplants.  I was very proud of them, because I just did not know what to expect.  (You never know what words will come out of kids mouths).  I also wrote their parents a note about the transplant.  Parents sent kind messages and some of the kids have told me they pray for me each night.  Those words really tug on my heart.
      Thanks again to so many of you for your love and support.  My family has been extremely supportive, BUT I never expected the amount of support I have received from my Briarcliff Elementary family. This journey has been difficult physically/ emotionally and the encouragement and love given by co-workers has been beyond any expectations I could have ever imagined. There is no way to ever thank everyone enough and I truly love each of you.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Truly Overwhelmed by the Generosity of Others

     I can not  begin to thank everyone for their generosity as I go through this journey for a kidney transplant.  This journey seems surreal and I still cannot believe it is happening to me. Once again, I am overwhelmed by the generosity of so many.  Each day this week I have been brought to tears by the kindness of others. To explain how I feel, can not be put into words. 
     A few weeks ago, Tiffany Barber called me to say she was going to sell 31 Gifts as a means to fundraise for me.  She sponsored an online party and sold an abundance of products.  I received credit for about $1000 in free products and chose several items for raffles at various fundraising events. The commission of the party was approximately $400 and 100% is allocated for fundraising.  Tiffany surprised me once again with announcing 50% of the commission for parties held in February will be for fundraising. At this time, four parties are booked.  Please let Tiffany or me know if you would like to book a party or make a purchase.  Thanks to everyone who helped this first party become a success or booked a party for next month.
   Many people loved the Urine My Heart pin I received from Janice Wilson.  It is incredibly touching to see many co-workers wearing the kidney pin in support of the transplant.  Last weekend, Ronnie and I decided to order more pins after a few friends asked about getting one.   A phenomenal number of friends have requested pins since that time.  We will place the order today and should receive the pins in about a week.

   Ronnie and Rick Green, Director of Golf at Lane Tree Golf Course in Goldsboro have been planning a golf tournament.  I am amazed  how much they have accomplished this week.  The tournament will be held, May 2 at Lane Tree Golf Course.  We need golfers, volunteers, sponsors  and raffle items. Responses thus far from people and organizations contacted have been exceptional.   One VERY EXCEPTIONAL response includes Anthony Floars of Deacon Jones Kia offering a 2014 Kia Optima for a Hole in One!  I am still in awe! Anthony's parents, Jackie and Sue Floars are the couple who took Ashley as a newborn when I had renal failure.  Thanks to everyone who has already contacted us wanting to participate.  Please share the news about the golf tournament.  We need lots of individuals to make this day a success.
     Other fundraising events will be taking place in the next few months.   Kathryn West will sponsor a Premiere Jewelry party and we are planning Wine and Design events in Cary and Goldsboro.  Also, we are planning a 5K at Benson Park in Garner in the fall.  If you have ideas for successful fundraising events, please let me know.  I want to have all donor out of pocket expenses covered for before, during and after the transplant.

     Finally, thanks to everyone who has contacted UNC about becoming a potential donor.  This transplant journey has to be one of the most humbling experiences of my life.  Earlier this week, Michael, the husband of my dear friend Lanie who died last January of cancer told me he wanted to be a potential donor. Lanie would be so proud!  It is just unbelievable to see how much others care and want to help me.  If you have been considering becoming a potential donor, please contact Amy Woodard, Living Donor Coordinator at 919- 966-3079.
    Wish I could find the right words to say thank you to everyone for helping me through this journey.  God is blessing beyond my expectations.  I am truly overwhelmed by the generosity of others.  Please continue to pray specifically that I find a living donor, maintain present kidney function so that I do not have to go  on dialysis and remain well enough to work.  Thank you!

If you would like a copy of the flyer and registration form, please email me at Carolinakidney@gmail.com.   I will gladly send you the information.   Thanks!


Saturday, January 25, 2014

You're In My Heart

      Once again this week, I have been in awe of such selfless, caring, creative, and sensational friends who are encouraging me as I go through this journey for a kidney transplant.  When I began this journey, I prayed for God to help me make it through as smooth and easy as possible.   It is amazing how prayers have been answered.
      Selfless friends have encouraged me this week by contacting UNC about being a living donor for the transplant.  I can not even explain the emotion I feel knowing others are actually willing to go through this process.  Their willingness to sacrifice for me is very  humbling.
     There are also others who would like to be a potential donor, but can not due to health conditions.  I received the sweetest message this week from one of Ronnie's childhood friends stating she and her husband went to the doctor to determine if they could be potential donors.   Both were diagnosed with diabetes. She was extremely disappointed about not being able to help me.  Brings tears to my eyes when I think about them, because they truly wanted to be potential donors.
     Caring friends have definitely brightened my soul this week and depleted my tear supply  at the same time.   I have cried so much in the past week due to the caring spirit of others. A friend from work began writing blog at the beginning of the year.  Earlier this week she wrote about my journey for a transplant and asked others to consider being a living donor and  participate in the 31 Gifts online fundraising  party hosted by another co-worker.  Other friends have also been sharing through social media  about my journey and fundraising.  It is touching to see my blog and fundraising information on  Twitter, Facebook, email and even Pinterest.  A childhood friend who I have not seen in countless years shared my blog on  the kidney page for Pinterest. (I had no clue there was even a kidney page on Pinterest).  Another childhood friend sent an email to members of The Class of 1982 from Rosewood High School with a link to my blog.   I can not thank each of you enough for what you that have done during the past few weeks by sharing my journey. 
      An extremely creative friend put a very big smile on my face this week.   Don't think I am exaggerating to note many co-workers have been talking behind my back during the past few days.  The conversation has been about  the cutest kidney pin you have ever seen.  A co-worker discovered this pin on the web and knew she had a phenomenal means to assist in fundraising.  I was sitting at my desk Friday morning, when 3 co-workers came in my classroom wearing kidney pins in support of the transplant.  I could not believe it!  My mouth hung open for  few minutes in amazement of their creative support . The phrase "Urine My Heart"  is priceless.  The pin is a kidney and the background is paper.   $5 donations are being accepted if you would like to order one.Photo: Another way to show our support for Myra. $5 if you're interested. All monies go to Myra's foundation. Pin can be worn with the yellow backer and or just the kidney by itself. So cute!!!

       As you have read, I have sensational friends. Information will be shared in the near future about fundraising events which include a golf tournament,  Premier Jewelry sale, painting  at Wine and Design, t-shirt sale and possibly a  5K fun walk.  The  31 Gifts fundraising online fundraising event is through January 31.  100% of the commission from this event will be given to my fundraising account.  You can shop at  Jinzo for Jones on Facebook.  Also,   if you are interested in becoming a living donor, please call Amy Woodard at UNC. Her number is 919) 966-3079. 
     Prayers are greatly appreciated as I continue this journey.  My biggest struggle at this time is feeling exhausted.   Next week will be the first week I will be at work each day since the last week in October. Besides the week of December 23, I have been to kidney transplant related appointments for 11 weeks.   The are many appointments in the future, but I will gladly take a week off from waiting rooms, needles, medical tests, stethoscopes and white coats!
      Thanks again to my selfless, caring, creative, and sensational   friends.  Always remember,  Urine My Heart!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Selfless Friends and Sensational Fundraising

     I am awesomely amazed with how God blesses me with so many selfless friends.  My emotions have been on overload thinking about how many wonderful people have approached me since I began this journey and offered to help me in countless ways.
     Several people have offered to be a potential donor for the kidney transplant. My heart was truly touched by a friend at work this week who told me she and another co-worker looked up the criterion for being a kidney transplant donor.  They discovered  individuals with diabetes can not donate.  Unfortunately she is a diabetic as well as the other co-worker.  My heart broke as she started crying and talking about how much she wanted to help me with donating a kidney and could not. Being overloaded with emotions, I went to my classroom and sobbed.   Another example is that  a dear friend told me she wanted to be a donor immediately after she learned I needed a transplant.  Shortly after that, this dear friend was diagnosed with cancer.  She is also extremely disappointed about not being a potential donor and has told me repeatedly. I am truly blessed with selfless friends. 
      Anyone is interested in being a potential donor can contact Amy Woodard RN, UNC Living Donor  Coordinator at  phone number (919) 966-3079.  It is my understanding she will either ask you questions or send you a questionnaire.  Once Ms. Woodard has a pool of potential donors,  a committee reviews the responses on the questionnaires and chooses the best potential donor based upon a specific criteria that best meets my needs.  Even though I have O Positive blood type, you do not need to have the same blood type as me or know your blood type to become a potential donor.  Dr. True, renal transplant doctor states that Cross-Match Blood Typing is possible for the transplant.  The blood contains antigens and matching antigens is the most important component between the  transplant donor and recipient.  If you are considering, please contact Amy Woodard and thanks so very much.
     It has been amazing as well emotionally overwhelming to be approached by friends who want to assist with fundraising.  Many friends including Katie Patrick, Teresa Howard, and Heather Shoaf have been sharing ideas for fundraising.  Many of the ideas included involving Briarcliff faculty, staff, students and families.  Unfortunately we are unable to participate in fundraising activities as a school due to county policy.  Last Saturday, a friend from work named Tiffany Barber called me.  She has joined 31 Gifts as a sales consultant as a means to fundraise for me.  Almost every time I think about it, I start crying (like now).   Until January 29, Tiffany will donate 100% of the commission to a transplant fund for me.  Subsequent parties will yield a portion of the commission as well.  Please share the link and tell others about the online party.  The link is: Jinzō for Jones.  Jinzo is kidney in Japanese. Another friend at work, Karen Hargett suggested a fundraising  event at Wine and Design in Cary.  Approximately 50 people can participate in the event and 25% of the cost will be allocated to the transplant fund.    I received an email from a co-worker, Kathy Borkowski about fundraising through Chilli's.  Chilli's will donate 10% of the profits. Since most of us like to eat,  I don't think this fundraiser would be difficult  at all.  Some of Ronnie's friends are planning a golf tournament for the spring.  Details to come.   As you have read, my friends have thought of sensational fundraising ideas.
    Even though I have health insurance, the cost of a kidney transplant is not cheap.  Yesterday I received a $2800 bill for blood labs.  I have been to appointments every week since November 4.  One of my greatest desires for fundraising is to assist the donor with expenses.  Of course, it is illegal to pay anyone for an organ, but I can use funds from fundraising to help offset the donors expenses.  The donor not only donates their organ, but a tremendous amount of time before the transplant with medical tests and afterwards with recovering.  My health insurance will pay for their medical bills, but there will be expenses for the donor such as gas for driving to and from appointments, parking at UNC, food, time from work, etc.  I am in the process of completing the registration form for a non-profit fundraising organization named HelpHopeLive.  To learn more about HelpHopeLive, please go to their website. The link is: www.helphopelive.org/
    Don't know how I can possibly thank everyone enough who is helping me by registering to become a potential donor or fundraising.  Your efforts, love and concern are priceless. Also, another selfless friend helped me Wednesday.  Shelly Pleasants spent several hours with me at UNC for a medical procedure/test.  I was sedated and not allowed to drive.  She is truly a great friend and blessing.    Thanks Shelly.  So many friends have been praying for me as well.  Please continue to pray specifically that I find a donor match in the next few months, don't become too ill to work or have to go on dialysis.  If you have any ideas for fundraising or would like to help, please let me  know.  I look forward to sharing more good news each time I write about this journey and  I appreciate you following it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fifty and Fabulous News!

      Well, it is no secret that today is my 50th Birthday.  Received homemade cards from students and serenaded several times with renditions of the "Happy Birthday" song.  Cha, Cha, Cha! Walked into my classroom this morning greeted by birthday balloons and later treated with a chocolate chip cookie cake, gifts and cards from co-workers.  Truly blessed by such great co-workers and friends.  I also received an abundance of  texts, phone calls and Facebook messages today.  Tonight Kelsey and I are celebrating our birthdays with family at the The Peddler . 
     Ronnie and I met with Dr. Karin True for a little less than two hours this afternoon.  She was very professional, but yet personable. We really liked her. She began with asking MANY questions about my health and then began explaining the transplant process.  After she started explaining the transplant process I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and decided to tape our conversation with my phone.  Hope to take some time this weekend to listen to it and probably will a few times after that as well.  Felt like information overload!
     Extremely relieved to have the appointment behind me.  My blood pressure was extremely high during check-in with the nurse, but I am confident it was due to feeling stressed.  To sum up the appointment, Dr. True gave me great news!  She shared that Cross-Matching makes it very possible for me to receive a kidney from a donor of any blood type!  Knowing this information gives me more hope of finding a donor.  Dr. True said that anyone interested in donating should contact Amy Woodard, Transplant Nurse Coordinator at 919-966-3079 even if you don't know your blood type. (Also good news because you do NOT have to go to the American Red Cross to determine your blood type).  Basically, the transplant team will review information on the questionnaires completed by potential donors and choose who best meets the criteria for being my donor.  That person will complete blood tests, medical tests, a psychological test and meet with a social worker.  If you are truly interested in being a donor, please contact Amy Woodard.  Since I saw Dr. True today, the process of finding a donor can begin, but I still can not be placed on the transplant list until I see the surgeon.  That appointment is not until March 17, but in the meantime, WE CAN FIND A POTENTIAL DONOR.

    I also met Gwen, the transplant coordinator assigned to me.  She helps set up appointments and assists me through the pre- and post- transplant processes.  There are some tests Dr. True wants for me to have and I will wait to hear from Gwen as to when they are scheduled. 

   Thanks to so many of you for your encouraging words and well wishes.  Please continue to pray that I find a donor before the crucial time arrives for needing dialysis and/or becoming very ill.



Monday, January 6, 2014

Amazing How Quickly Things Happen When You Email The Boss

       I mentioned in a previous blog that Dr. Falk is the Chief Nephrologist at UNC.  Well the old adage ..."It's not what you know, but who you know"  came true for me tonight. Back on December 19, Dr. Falk stated he wanted me to see the doctors in the transplant clinic in January.  Around the second week of December, I received appointment notifications for March 17 to see the kidney transplant surgeon as well as abdominal transplant surgeon.  Dr. Falk commented that  I could not wait and needed to see the surgeons in January. ( I had even called December 16 to find out if the appointments could be set at an earlier date and was told it was not possible). 
     Since I had not received any appointment notifications in the mail for January appointments with the surgeons, I decided this morning to email Dr. Falk.    Well tonight,  I received an email from the kidney transplant surgeon with an apology stating Dr. Falk had asked her earlier to set up an appointment with me and she had forgotten.  He had forwarded her the email I sent him this morning.  She asked me to come in Thursday afternoon or reply with another date that would be convenient. Well, I will be seeing her Thursday at 1:00!  Anxious, but ready to move forward in this journey! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

First Offical Appointment at Transplant Clinic

     Today, Ronnie and I went for the first official appointment at the transplant clinic.  The appointment was with a transplant social worker.  We had met her previously at the Transplant Orientation Class in November and I had seen her at the Fundraiser Workshop a week later.  It was cool to find out that she grew up in  Goldsboro and graduated from Eastern Wayne HS. 
     The  appointment was for an hour with her asking us questions. Needless to say... it was  rather interesting!  At the end of the hour, she went over some information about the transplant.  The one thing that stood out from the information shared was that I will NOT be allowed to have visitors for the first four to six weeks after the transplant.  Only "care takers" will be allowed to spend time with me.  Looks like I will need lots of different care takers during that time (and learn how to Face Time  correctly since Ashley made fun of me last week on Facebook).
     Next, I went to have an echocardiogram (ultrasound of heart).  It was dark in the room and extremely quiet.  The test took about 30 minutes and I fell asleep!  Don't think the test is designed for patients to take a nap.  I am sure the poor fellow administering the test heard me snore!
     I have been very fortunate to have many friends state they want to be tested to determine if they are a match for donating their kidney to me.  It is overwhelming to know how blessed I am to have such great friends.  I am truly touched!
     My blood type is O Positive.  Dr. Falk states that my donor should have the same blood type.  If you are uncertain about your blood type, you can go to the American Red Cross and give blood in order to find out.  I was told by a AMR representative that individuals can contact them at 1-800-RED-CROSS about 5 days after donating and find out their blood type.  If you find out that you are O Positive or already know, you can call Amy Woodard, Transplant Nurse Coordinator at 919-966-3079.  She will send you a questionnaire to complete. Once you return the questionnaire and it is reviewed, you will then be contacted about coming in for further testing.    The tests include blood tests,  medical tests, a psychological test and meeting with a social worker. 
     Listed are locations, days and times American Red Cross is open in Cary, Raleigh and Goldsboro. 
Cary Office-919-468-8867
3700 Regency Parkway Suite 150
Cary, NC 27518       
Near Lifetime Fitness
Monday: 1:30 pm-6:30 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Thursday: 1:30 pm-7:00 pm
Friday: 8:00 am-12:30 pm
2nd & 4th Saturday: 7:30 am-1:00 pm
Or By Appointment
Raleigh Office- 919- 231-1602
100 N. Peartree Ln.
Raleigh, NC 27610
Off New Bern Avenue Near Wake Medical Center                     
Monday: 2:30 pm- 7:00 pm
Thursday:7:30 am- 12:30 pm
Or By Appointment
Goldsboro Office- 919- 735-7201
600 N George St.
Goldsboro, NC 27530
Second Tuesday of Every Month:  1:30 pm- 6:30 pm
Blood Drives in the County Throughout Each Month, Contact Office for Dates and Locations
      Please contact me if you have any questions.  As you have read, the process is very detailed and time consuming.  Please pray I find a donor before needing to go on dialysis, become too ill to work or function day to day.
     Thanks again to everyone and especially those who are considering going through the donation process.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year and Prayers for a New Kidney


     Many friends have asked me to write a blog about my experience while going through the process of a kidney transplant. Several people have inquired into why I have kidney problems. I really wish I knew what happened in 1988 while in child labor or soon after Ashley was born. Unfortunately, we will never know the answers, and it is actually something I have not dwelt on for the past 25 years. I have looked at the circumstance as an opportunity to thank God for a second chance at life, because I was very close to death.   

     I was 24 years old and the pregnancy was uneventful with no concerns or complications. An ultrasound was not performed, and we did not even know the sex of Ashley until she was born.  The day I was discharged from the hospital, I started running a fever.  A few days later I went to see the obstetrician and  he prescribed an antibiotic.  By the time Ashley was eleven days old,  I was extremely ill.  Ronnie told me he was afraid I was going to die in our home and took me to the emergency room.  I was admitted to the hospital. I will always be eternally grateful to family and friends that prayed for Ronnie and me, as well as, took care of Ashley during the weeks I was in the hospital and when I returned home. Jackie and Sue Floars stand out as far as making a significant impact during those days. They took Ashley as a newborn to live in their home and kept her as if she was their own. Through the years, we have maintained a special relationship with the Floars family.

      During my time in the hospital, my family tells me how they stood over me several times waiting for me to take my last breath, because I was so ill.  I was swollen with 40 pounds of fluid and unable to move, see or even function.  Ronnie was spending his time praying that he would not be a widower with a newborn at the age of 25.  We had only been married 20 months when this happened.  After being at the hospital in Goldsboro for a week, I was taken to UNC Hospitals.  Within a couple days of being admitted, I was diagnosed with Acute Tubular Necrosis and Minimal Change Disease.  The tubes to the kidneys were blocked and caused complete renal failure, as well as, the urine spilled an excessive amount of protein.  With the assistance of dialysis and strong medications, I was able to gain kidney function again.  After about a year, my kidney function was almost 100 percent. 

      While hospitalized at UNC, I was assigned Dr. Ronald Falk as my physician.  I have been very fortunate to have him as my nephrologist all these years.  He became the Chief Nephrologist at UNC in 1993 and is known around the world for his expertise.  Over the years, my kidney function has continued to be monitored by Dr. Falk. 

      During the past 2 years, my kidney function has progressively decreased.  On June 14, 2013, I went to UNC for a kidney biopsy.  Blood work and an ultrasound were performed before I went into the operating room for the biopsy.  From the ultrasound, the doctor discovered my kidneys were extremely scarred and had deteriorated over the years.  The biopsy could not be performed.  I was diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis, which means the kidneys do not filter blood appropriately.    In July, Dr. Falk talked with me about the possibility of having a transplant and in October referred me to the transplant team.  The pre-transplant process is very involved and requires many medical tests/procedures. I have a couple more tests before completing this part of the process.  Once the tests are complete and I am evaluated by the transplant surgeons, I should receive approval for the transplant. 

     I appreciate everyone's prayers, love, kind words and concern as I go through this journey. I will continue to document my kidney transplant process on this blog. Happy New Year to you, and I wish you a phenomenal 2014!