Monday, January 6, 2014

Amazing How Quickly Things Happen When You Email The Boss

       I mentioned in a previous blog that Dr. Falk is the Chief Nephrologist at UNC.  Well the old adage ..."It's not what you know, but who you know"  came true for me tonight. Back on December 19, Dr. Falk stated he wanted me to see the doctors in the transplant clinic in January.  Around the second week of December, I received appointment notifications for March 17 to see the kidney transplant surgeon as well as abdominal transplant surgeon.  Dr. Falk commented that  I could not wait and needed to see the surgeons in January. ( I had even called December 16 to find out if the appointments could be set at an earlier date and was told it was not possible). 
     Since I had not received any appointment notifications in the mail for January appointments with the surgeons, I decided this morning to email Dr. Falk.    Well tonight,  I received an email from the kidney transplant surgeon with an apology stating Dr. Falk had asked her earlier to set up an appointment with me and she had forgotten.  He had forwarded her the email I sent him this morning.  She asked me to come in Thursday afternoon or reply with another date that would be convenient. Well, I will be seeing her Thursday at 1:00!  Anxious, but ready to move forward in this journey!