Saturday, January 18, 2014

Selfless Friends and Sensational Fundraising

     I am awesomely amazed with how God blesses me with so many selfless friends.  My emotions have been on overload thinking about how many wonderful people have approached me since I began this journey and offered to help me in countless ways.
     Several people have offered to be a potential donor for the kidney transplant. My heart was truly touched by a friend at work this week who told me she and another co-worker looked up the criterion for being a kidney transplant donor.  They discovered  individuals with diabetes can not donate.  Unfortunately she is a diabetic as well as the other co-worker.  My heart broke as she started crying and talking about how much she wanted to help me with donating a kidney and could not. Being overloaded with emotions, I went to my classroom and sobbed.   Another example is that  a dear friend told me she wanted to be a donor immediately after she learned I needed a transplant.  Shortly after that, this dear friend was diagnosed with cancer.  She is also extremely disappointed about not being a potential donor and has told me repeatedly. I am truly blessed with selfless friends. 
      Anyone is interested in being a potential donor can contact Amy Woodard RN, UNC Living Donor  Coordinator at  phone number (919) 966-3079.  It is my understanding she will either ask you questions or send you a questionnaire.  Once Ms. Woodard has a pool of potential donors,  a committee reviews the responses on the questionnaires and chooses the best potential donor based upon a specific criteria that best meets my needs.  Even though I have O Positive blood type, you do not need to have the same blood type as me or know your blood type to become a potential donor.  Dr. True, renal transplant doctor states that Cross-Match Blood Typing is possible for the transplant.  The blood contains antigens and matching antigens is the most important component between the  transplant donor and recipient.  If you are considering, please contact Amy Woodard and thanks so very much.
     It has been amazing as well emotionally overwhelming to be approached by friends who want to assist with fundraising.  Many friends including Katie Patrick, Teresa Howard, and Heather Shoaf have been sharing ideas for fundraising.  Many of the ideas included involving Briarcliff faculty, staff, students and families.  Unfortunately we are unable to participate in fundraising activities as a school due to county policy.  Last Saturday, a friend from work named Tiffany Barber called me.  She has joined 31 Gifts as a sales consultant as a means to fundraise for me.  Almost every time I think about it, I start crying (like now).   Until January 29, Tiffany will donate 100% of the commission to a transplant fund for me.  Subsequent parties will yield a portion of the commission as well.  Please share the link and tell others about the online party.  The link is: Jinzō for Jones.  Jinzo is kidney in Japanese. Another friend at work, Karen Hargett suggested a fundraising  event at Wine and Design in Cary.  Approximately 50 people can participate in the event and 25% of the cost will be allocated to the transplant fund.    I received an email from a co-worker, Kathy Borkowski about fundraising through Chilli's.  Chilli's will donate 10% of the profits. Since most of us like to eat,  I don't think this fundraiser would be difficult  at all.  Some of Ronnie's friends are planning a golf tournament for the spring.  Details to come.   As you have read, my friends have thought of sensational fundraising ideas.
    Even though I have health insurance, the cost of a kidney transplant is not cheap.  Yesterday I received a $2800 bill for blood labs.  I have been to appointments every week since November 4.  One of my greatest desires for fundraising is to assist the donor with expenses.  Of course, it is illegal to pay anyone for an organ, but I can use funds from fundraising to help offset the donors expenses.  The donor not only donates their organ, but a tremendous amount of time before the transplant with medical tests and afterwards with recovering.  My health insurance will pay for their medical bills, but there will be expenses for the donor such as gas for driving to and from appointments, parking at UNC, food, time from work, etc.  I am in the process of completing the registration form for a non-profit fundraising organization named HelpHopeLive.  To learn more about HelpHopeLive, please go to their website. The link is:
    Don't know how I can possibly thank everyone enough who is helping me by registering to become a potential donor or fundraising.  Your efforts, love and concern are priceless. Also, another selfless friend helped me Wednesday.  Shelly Pleasants spent several hours with me at UNC for a medical procedure/test.  I was sedated and not allowed to drive.  She is truly a great friend and blessing.    Thanks Shelly.  So many friends have been praying for me as well.  Please continue to pray specifically that I find a donor match in the next few months, don't become too ill to work or have to go on dialysis.  If you have any ideas for fundraising or would like to help, please let me  know.  I look forward to sharing more good news each time I write about this journey and  I appreciate you following it.

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