Thursday, September 11, 2014

High= More of This and More of That

      It has been quite a while since I have posted a update. There is no way to thank everyone who has prayed for me and expressed kind words of support.  It means more than you will ever know.
      Today I went to see Dr. Falk, my nephrologist at UNC.  My kidney function is currently 20%.   The major concern at today's visit was my blood pressure.  Since last November, I have been taking blood pressure medicine three times a day, but yet it has been fairly high.  About a month ago, I began experiencing a "heavy" feeling in the top of my head.  I checked my blood pressure at that time, and it was EXTREMELY high.  Each day since then, I have experienced the same sensation. Showing Dr. Falk a log of readings was very helpful, because he was able to see what I have been experiencing.  I will continue to take blood pressure medication three times a day, but the dosage of Lasix has been doubled as well as another blood pressure medication dosage increased.. Being on 160 mg. of Lasix during the day actually scares me.  I am  afraid I may need to put a port-a-potty in the corner of my classroom! He also told me the symptom of dry mouth will increase quite a bit.  I literally drink all day long now because of dry mouth.  If there is not an improvement in the next two weeks, I have to let him know. Please pray medication changes are successful in controlling my blood pressure.  
      He talked with me about the importance of finding a donor so  I don't have to go on dialysis and wait 5 years for a deceased donor when the time comes for a transplant.  Very shocking information he shared was that many patients on the transplant list have at least seven potential donors tested before finding a match.  I am thankful to have a potential donor who should be tested in the next few weeks. If by chance you are considering becoming a donor, please call and talk with Amy Woodard, Living Donor Coordinator at 919-966-3079. Thank you.